Calling teachers to respond to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students' requests for pedagogical change
Natalie Lloyd
College of Arts & Society & Education
Centre for Research & Innovation in Sustainability and Education
Natalie started research in biology, studying spatial patterns in benthic aquatic invertebrates, flow modification of rivers and detection of impact in aquatic systems. Her science interests include evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology, especially in invertebrates.
Natalie became interested in teaching when her eldest daughter started learning to read. She taught invertebrate biology to primary students as a incursion teacher for several years then completed a Diploma of Education at JCU in 2012, and has since been teaching part-time and concurrently working with Professor Brian Lewthwaite on his education research. Natalie's education research interests are in effective pedagogy for student engagement, cognition and the acquisition of literacy, numeracy and scientific concepts; culturally responsive teaching and student equity.
She lives with her partner and three children on Yunbenun (Magnetic Island).